Giving at Rosthern Alliance Church
We appreciate your generosity! In addition to giving in person on Sunday Morning, we accept E-Tranfers as well!
E-Transfers can be made to racsecretary@sasktel.net
You can designate your donation to a few different areas:
1) General Fund - Goes towards local operations and ministries of RAC
2) Missions - This money is will only go to supporting the Missionaries that are connected with our congregation.
3) Benevolent - This is designated money to help congregants and local folks out with unexpected expenses that are beyond their means.
4) Bible College Bursary - We feel strongly that students should attend a year, or more, of Bible College. So we have this Bursary, which upon request, is used to help with the cost of tuition for Bible College.
All money donated that does not have a designation is put into the General Fund, for the operation of the Church.
Thank-you and may God Bless you for your generosity to His work!